1. What is Vastu without Demolition?
Mahavastu technique works on Vastu without demolition by balancing 5 elements (Panchtatva in Vastu)
2. What includes in Mahavastu Consultation?
Acharya Rahee Gaur, does Vastu without demolition. It is different from traditional Vastu, as this includes Vastu, Astrology and Prakriti of Person (as per Ayurveda) of the person.
3. What is process of Vastu Working by Acharya Rahee Gaur?
Acharya Rahee Gaur, does Vastu without demolition and with step by step method. Level 1 – De cluttering and Elemental Balancing Level 2 – Activity, Utility and Objects Balancing Level 3 – Placement of 2D – 3D Vastu Remedies Level 4 – Prakriti Balancing Level 5 – Marma Balancing Level 6 – Reinstating of Vastu Purush Mandala Devta and Intuitive Diagnosis
4. How Vastu gives desired results?
Yes, Vastu gives desired results. Perfect decoding of problems with 6 level working, Intuitions and belief in Science and Karma; will give positive results of Vastu remedies.
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